Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The Wide World of Chinese T.V.

On nights that I stay home from the gym, I watch CCTV and enjoy a beer. CCTV is China's national TV network, and like the BBC, they have more than one station. For example, CCTV 5 is the sports channel. CCTV 6 plays a lot of movies (but they usually dub over any English with Chinese, so it's pointless to watch it). CCTV 9 is the English language station, and it's the only English language t.v. station we get.

Unfortunately, most of what CCTV 9 shows is b.o.r.i.n.g. But one bright spot is Culture Express, a show about easy-to-digest current trends that is hosted by Ji Xiaojun, and he's the reason why I watch the show.

Why do I like watching him so much? Well, he seems to have learned to speak English from listening to tapes of Howard Cosell, and listening to him talk is a treat in and of itself. You can hear him in this snippet of Culture Express on YouTube (he introduces the segment on Chinese singer Fei Xiang, China's answer to Barry Manilow). Cracks. me. up.

1 comment:

susansinclair said...

He's *fabulous*! There was a story on NPR this morning about how hard it actually is to host--here's a quote from John Tesh:

Tesh says Entertainment Tonight was pretty simple — it just required reading off a TelePrompTer. Still, Tesh worked at it.

"I studied Cronkite and also, especially, Brokaw, who told me ... the real power of a communicator is knowing when to produce silence," Tesh says.

Imagine Tesh trying to do that in Chinese...