Monday, September 3, 2007

Chinese Food -- A Primer

If you'd like a more specific idea of the kinds of foods we've been eating, check out this great website by a (now former) expat. It's a primer on ordering Chinese food in China, complete with pictures of common foods and descriptions. Good stuff.

I found the section on breakfood foods to be pretty instructive. I've been wondering what passes for a "breakfast" food around here. I've been eating cup noodles, fried rice, or oatmeal. Time to try some you2 tiao2 and bao1 zi3.*

*Because I don't know Chinese, I rely on a form of romanization called Hanyu Pinyin to help me (try to) pronounce Chinese words. The numbers after the words above tell you what tones you should use with those words (first tone, second tone, etc.). I don't want to say any more on this topic, lest I embarrass myself (especially since I know that Jonathan stops by to read this every now and again)!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i read somewhere over here that there is a new cereal in china called kitty kat krunch. might be worth a try.