Thursday, August 16, 2007

Dinner with Herodias

A few nights ago we ate at a local seafood joint. Since we're so close to the water here, there are lots of seafood restaurants in the city. And a good many of them practice the NEW seafood diet: "see your food, order it to be killed."

Take, for example, our dining experience. The server led us to an outdoor courtyard, where, off to the left, was a collection of fish tanks, crab buckets, shrimp buckets, etc. All of the critters were still alive. There were also baskets of assorted fresh veggies. (And for some reason that I was not able to discern, there were three really mean white geese patrolling the grounds.) On the wall hung pieces of wood with menu items written (in characters) in chalk. You picked your dish, picked your critters, and then the chef cooked them. It's like eating at Red Lobster, but with more choices.

The fish in the tanks seemed unaware of their fate. The crabs, bound as they were with seaweed, kind of knew (I think) that their future was not bright.

We ended up eating puffer fish soup with turnips and a clay-cooked chicken, chicken that is seasoned and packed in clay, then buried in the ground to cook (we didn't order the chicken's execution as this dish takes a while to prepare and it was already "in the ground").

If I could have, I would have ordered roast goose. They were bastards.

1 comment:

mryonker said...

I can attest that geese are mean. We had geese on the farm when I was little and they used to chase me out of my own wading pool.

Belligerent bastards is RIGHT.