Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Playing Tag

I've been tagged by academom do do the "7 Facts About Me" meme that's circulating. Here are the rules (which I yoinked from Susan):

1. List the link to your tagger and also post these following rules.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog - some random, some weird, etc.
3. Tag 7 people at the the end of your blog also leaving the links to their blogs
4. Let them know they are "TAGGED" by leaving a comment on their blog

Since this is a blog about China-n-me, I'm gonna do a list of 7 Facts About Runningburro in China.

The List:

1. Since I've been living here, I've been eating more meat than I do when I am in the U.S. While it's true that the Chinese eat far less meat than the average U.S. citizen does, the average Chinese person eats far more meat than I prefer to. It's very difficult to get truly vegetarian food here because everything seems to have some sort of animal product in it.

2. Even though riding the buses here can be really gross (I don't know how many times I've watched someone pick his/her nose and then hold onto those dangley bus handles or the bus poles), I do love being car-free. It's very liberating NOT owning a car. When we are ready to move again, I hope to live in a place with a good public transportation system.

3. I think that the fruit in China is weird. Sure, you can get apples and oranges and bananas, but there's also lots of fruit that's just bizarre and not fruit-like in the usual sense of the word. Like durian, the world's stinkiest fruit (imagine eating an avocado crossed with a pineapple crossed with the smelliest, runniest French cheese you can buy). My favorite new fruit so far is the dragon fruit. I buy these all the time.

4. I've discovered that I am a snob when it comes to buying clothing. In the U.S. I was pretty laid-back about what I bought -- the cheaper it was, the better (with the exception of my indispensable Macabi skirt). Here, though, the quality of clothing is shockingly poor. The jeans, shirts, and shoes at the clothing markets might look good -- will even have designer labels on them -- but are more cheaply assembled than anything you could find in the States. I mean, the clothes here make me realize how good Wal-Mart's clothing actually is (Wal-Mart's clothes aren't stylish, but they won't fall apart in the wash and they're probably not dyed with toxic dye).

5. I think that Chinese babies are cuter than Caucasian babies because Chinese babies don't look all squashed and red. I even find myself smiling at all the little kids around here, which comes as a shock, I'm sure, to those of you who know me.

6. Living here is probably turning me into a red-blooded American.

7. I haven't eaten cat or dog yet, but I might if it were offered to me.

Okay, I'm tagging the following people: Notes of a Former Native Speaker, FemRhetor, Deanya. I can't think of 7, so this will have to do.


Anonymous said...

in reference to #6 we would be glad for a little one on the return trip.... but you know my grammy heart!

#7 all I am going to say is the comment is interesting and shall lead to further discuss the next time I see you in person!

Tony Paglia said...

Durian is amazingly stinky and yet tastier than I expected. I worked at a co-op in Georgia, and we sold them there for awhile. Perhaps you can verify this: someone told me that buses/trains/planes/some kinda transportation in China have "no durian allowed" rules. Fact or fiction?

I ran into your mom last night because she was teaching our pre-baptismal class, and I was really happy to hear about you for the first time in many, many years. E-mail me if you'd like: theorchidpool at I hope this message finds you very well.

Your old-timey pal,
Tony Paglia