Sunday, August 19, 2007

Jameson does not approve

Well, she does approve of the ending to this story:

July 10, 2007

Saved by a whisker

More than 800 cats destined for the dinner table were saved by animal lovers who rushed to a car park in Shanghai after an internet alert. They paid 10,000 yuan (£650) [appx. 1333 USD] for the cats after police said there was no evidence that the animals, on their way to Guangdong [our neck of the woods], were stolen pets. (Reuters)


Anonymous said...

I expect sony to come home in one piece.... so tell her stunts from the balcony or such!

mryonker said...

I was especially taken with some of the pictures linked from the Shanghaiist--one of them looks like the cats are in a pet shop; with the kitties sitting on clean-ish shelves and with water bowls...did I even see a cat toy in that one??

Anyway--they could have been chickens, no? Don't people keep chickens as pets? And cows? Why no shocking stories of pigs being saved from the slaughterhouse at the nth hour?

Clearly it's because cats are smart and cute, I know. And Sonny has little to fear: you having a cat as a pet in China is like someone having a pig as a pet in Iowa. Everyone will think you're a little strange, but will in the end not STEAL and EAT your pet.


Anonymous said...

Hi! I am Mom's friend John O'Malley in Greenville. My wife and I adopted Gracie in 2002 and spent 2 weeks in China. Your Blog is reminding me of some of the interesting and funny experiences in that complex country. Our Gracie has grown to be a lovely young 6 year old. We stayed in Guangzhou (White Swan) and Nanchung. Grace is from Jianxi(?)
I will look forward to reading more as your journey continues. I do not see where you have enjoyed any "five step snake" yet? My email is: