About 8 weeks ago, D ordered this gear from Sheplers (not pictured are the cowboy boots he's wearing). He just received the packages today. The shipment took about one week to arrive in China. And then it sat in customs for-freakin'-ever.
We weren't even sure if customs in Guangzhou would let the stuff through. Apparently, customs deemed some of the items as "suspicious" (we found this out from the shipper). D had to answer questions about the content of the packages and then testify that they were for "personal use only" (?!?). Then, it took several calls and Chinese-written emails to the shipper -- DHL, regional office -- to sort out the delivery. On top of all of this was the gigantic customs fee that D was charged -- 600 RMB.
I haven't ordered anything from non-China retailers since we've been here because, quite frankly, it'd just be one big pain in the ass. In other words, I don't think that D's experience is unusual (heck, it takes 4-5 weeks for non-retail packages to get to us). Timely delivery of mail-ordered goods is another "luxury" that we don't have access to here -- in fact, a lot of companies won't even ship goods to China (I don't know why -- maybe not enough people from the PRC buy the goods? Or maybe there are govt. restrictions?)
I am glad, however, that D ordered this stuff; he looks awfully cute in that get-up.
Words fail me. Was he perhaps not already sufficiently identifiable as an American by his size and demeanor? Or is he just planning ahead for the Olympics. (Actually, the hat and jeans are lovely...it's the shirt that surprises me...) :D
I am quite impressed with the look Mr. D.
Give that big bad flag a hug from me.
Hi! It's Chris...I heard you had a blog and got dear Madeline to give me the link and then surprise! learned that runningburro is you! I read through some recent entries and it seems like you two are having a good time there - not counting the weather of course.
Drop me a note? cageyer at syr dot edu.
Nice outfit, by the way.
i had a perfectly good pair of eyeballs* before foolishly thinking 'hey, wonder if sis has a new blog entry up.' now they are but a melty spot of goo a-tricklin' through the mechanical swtiches of my clangy old keyboard.
* okay, okay -5.25 in each eye is not perfectly good, but at least with some light-bendies I could see... now, it's really time for touch typing
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