Sunday, November 4, 2007

Pop Quiz

You are on a public bus and someone has two plastic grocery bags, sitting on the bus floor, filled with chunks of a freshly slaughtered animal. The bags are leaking blood, which is forming a sort of river that is running down the length of the bus floor toward you. You:

a) scream and point hysterically (surely someone will do something!)
b) barf
c) pass out
d) make disparaging comments about public buses in China
e) calmly move to the back of the bus so as not to soil your shoes

Yes indeed, my answer is "e" (this happened this past week on my way to work). Looks like I am getting used to to what passes for "normal" in this place.


RunningBurro said...

Hey, look at me commenting on my own blog! The Great Firewall must be down for a spell. Wheeeeeeee!!!!

Anonymous said...

F. rate the bus in the AAA tour guide as china dirty

Anonymous said...

It's an impostor! Get her!

Anonymous said...

Missing Option:

Scrape the blood and bus floor-gunk together and fashion your very own housepet. Refer to it as 'Lucky,' and insist that all guests to your home feed it by hand and "rub its belly."