Monday, October 1, 2007

Gourmet Wu

One of the hardest things about moving to China has been the changes to our diet. It's not that we don't like Chinese food, it's just that in a small town like Zhuhai, that's all there is, really. Not surprisingly, we get tired of Chinese food sometimes and just want something different. For something different, we've been relying on fast food -- McDonald's and OK 100. This gets old, too. (An aside: there is no Mexican food to be found in all of Guangdong province. This depresses me greatly.)

I was about to throw in the towel and drown myself in a bowl of instant noodles when something revived my joy for eating: Gourmet Wu.

Gourmet Wu is the business name of my colleague's husband, a trained chef. Two weeks ago, he started a home food delivery business whereby he cooks a meal (three times a week) and then delivers the meal, hot and ready to eat, to one's door. Cost for this luxury? Appx. 13 USD per week. That's right, each meal is only around 4 dollars and some change.

What's especially fabulous is that he cooks Western-ish food. The first meal was 1/2 chicken with orange glaze, mashed taro root, and steamed broccoli and carrots. The second meal was a steamed fish with ginger/soy dressing, a small salad, and steamed rice. The third meal (my favorite, I think) was roast duck on noodles, stir-fried veggies, and salad.

Tonight's meal -- which was just delivered -- is lemon chicken with sauteed sweet onions, mashed sweet potato with sesame seed garnish, and shredded carrot salad (the picture doesn't do the food justice).*

What just thrills me is that he packages the meals in these segmented plastic containers. I love how each food has its own compartment. So neat and tidy.

Jameson has learned that when Gourmet Wu comes to the door, she gets tasty things to eat. Needless to say, she has taken a liking to him.

*Just in case Carol is reading this: yes, that is a dissertation chapter underneath the food!


mryonker said...

I would get a whole lot more diss writing if someone delivered some food to my house.

I'm sick of B making steak and Rice-a-Roni.

Anonymous said...

can you give me his number. A service like that and I would never cook!