Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Our new pet

We have a new "pet" in the Runningburro household. A giant (and by giant, I mean GIANT) cockroach. It has calves and biceps and I think that it smiled at me.

I wish I had a photo to share. But of course, he runs from the light like the creature of darkness that he is. Even if I were able to catch him (he hides in the AC unit), I probably wouldn't be able to smash him. I mean, can you imagine the crrrunnnnchhh it would make?

To clarify: our apartment in not dirty (well, not filthy, anyway). It's just that this place is so hot and humid that roaches thrive here.

A colleague of mine gave me a warning today: don't leave the cap to your bedside water bottle off. Or you might get a mouthful of roach like she did one night when she took a swig from her opened bottle.



mryonker said...

Yeearrgh (mouthful of roach!!).

And Jameson? She is not interested in pursuing the roach as a plaything?

Anonymous said...

Regarding the smile, it was likely assessing your suitability as a late night snack. Sleep well ;)

Anonymous said...

just remember, roaches are highly evolved and have learned to send out the little members of the tribe to scout for food