Thursday, August 9, 2007

Beating the heat

Right now in southern China, it's hot and humid. I'm having to get used to sweating constantly. The locals don't seem to perspire the way that we do, but they do take a funny stance toward any kind of physical activity in the heat. That is, they just don't do it (unless they're laborers and have to). For example, the campus is only 3 miles away and within easy biking distance. But when we bring up the idea of biking to campus, our local colleagues warn us, "no, it is too hot to bicycle now." Clearly, though, plenty of people ride bikes around here. No doubt if I rode one to campus, I'd arrive a sweaty mess, but still, it could be done. Before I bike (rather than take the bus), I'll have to practice steering with one hand and holding an umbrella above my head (for shade) with the way that everyone else around here does.

As a break from thinking-about-working-on-the-dissertation I trolled the 'net for an English language version of the user manual for our air conditioner. It took me about 75 minutes, but I managed to find instructions I can understand. I guess all my training in finding sources has fringe benefits!

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